Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Step One

Welcome to Deaccessioning the Student, a blog about one graduate research assistant's final semester and beyond. In a museum, deaccessioning is the process of disposing, selling or trading objects from a museum collection. Many decisions must be made, not the least of which is deciding how to get ride of the object. Trade it to another institution? Sell it to a private collector. Students must also make difficult decisions about their futures, such as deciding between pursuing more education and applying for a job.

In this blog, I will be covering a multitude of topics, primarily focused on my graduate exit project and my work at a local science museum. In addition, I hope to address current issues in museums and any interesting ideas that come my way.

Step one is to decide to deaccession and since I graduate in May, I don't really have too much of a choice. The second step is to decide how to do so. Hopefully, I'll have a job by May, but follow along to find out how everything goes.

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