Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's Been a While

I realize it's been 4 months since I've posted. At this point I probably can't call myself a blogger anymore, but I'm really going to try to keep things up from now on. I could explain away the million reasons why I haven't updated in a while, but suffice it to say, I finally finished my exit project and have graduated. I can't tell you how excited I am that everything is done, but I'm also on the job hunt right now so I'm still very busy.

My exit project turned out to be 50 pages of delightful Archives data, grants and volunteer information. I'm very proud of what I've accomplished, but I'm still interested in continuing my work. The audit is still ongoing, but I just lost my best (and only volunteer). She has a seasonal job with the National Park Service so I'm sure she's having a blast. Luckily, the Archivist just trained three new volunteers that I will be training in the audit this coming Sunday.

I've also been asked to sit on the Board of Directors for the Historical Society! I'm so very honored by this request and I can't wait to get started. Everyone at the Historical Society has been so enthusiastic and I only hope I can continue to bring energy to the Archives and Board.

The job hunt has been slow, as I'm sure it has been for anyone who's graduated in the last 2 or 3 years. I've done all the things people have advised: tell everyone you know you're applying, write specific resumes and cover letters and apply to jobs even if you don't think you're perfectly qualified. All good advice. Right now I'm just hoping for something part-time until I can figure out where I'm going and to hopefully find a job I'm passionate about.

In the meantime, I plan on focusing on the job hunt, continuing to work at the Archives, volunteering at the Missouri History Museum and watching a little bit of Netflix.

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