Friday, September 20, 2013

September Happiness Project: Let Me Tell You About My Lamp

This week has been ridiculously busy. I feel like I can't keep my head on straight, but luckily tonight is the last of the crazy. Or so I hope. Of course, part of my Happiness Project is to keep myself from feeling overwhelmed and busy.

August Happiness Project

For August, my plan was to floss more, workout more and spend less (time and money). Thus far, I floss about 2-3 times a week at best, which is better than none at all. I keep spending money on a gym I don't go to, but hopefully this weekend I'll make it at least once. The money situation isn't helped by a $177 electric bill this month (my landlord and I will be having a chat about how to seal up my house a bit better). And my time keeps flying out the window.

One success includes bowing out of a very interesting lecture to go see my favorite author, Jasper Fforde (see photo to the left). He signed four of my books!! And it was an absolute delight as he's a funny guy. While I felt guilty about missing the lecture, I knew that if I didn't go see Jasper, I would be pretty disappointed for a long while. All worked out as the folks going to the lecture found each other and I got to see Jasper.

September Happiness Project

This September involves adding to my ongoing goals. I'm going to keep trying to floss. I'm thinking of investing in a physical calendar in hopes that perhaps writing things down will help me to remember they're going on. And I'm going to start making meals for the week on Sundays to save money and time. 

In addition to these small changes to my ongoing goals, I'm making September all about making my days better. The first thing I did was buy a new alarm clock. That sounds a bit silly, but the BEST way for me to wake up is through sunlight. After visiting the BF who of course doesn't have curtains, and waking up feeling blessedly refreshed even while sleeping on a firm mattress, I realized something had to change. 

Now, I can't fall asleep if there is light in the room, so I can't just leave the curtains up as I live in the city and lights are everywhere. But I need natural light to wake up feeling good in the morning. Turns out, they make a lamp for that - meet the Verilux Rise & Shine. I beat out a few other bidders on this lovely used version (retail at over double what I paid). I can't wait to tell you how it turns out. I'm hopeful and excited!

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