Thursday, October 3, 2013

LeaderMOOC: Leader Mindset

It's week three of the LeaderMOOC, but we've only received grades for up to week 1 (includes week 0). Many folks are still trying to figure out the peer review function and those who are just dipping in and out are holding up the process a bit. So far my Week 0 & 1 submissions have only been graded twice (each submission is graded three times). The organizers of the MOOC will be grading any that have not yet been graded yet.

Week 1 Leader Mindset Submission:
For this week's assignment we were asked:  

Consider why leadership matters to you, personally, why you want to become known for your leadership skills, and what you hope to accomplish. Also what leadership model or role model most inspires you? You can link to an image as part of your answer if you like. What's one simple goal that can help you get there?

In response, I wrote:

1) Leadership matters to me because I want to accomplish a Ph.D. and create a non-profit for young women interested in leadership. I want to become a leader for these young women to see an example of a successful woman in leadership. I also want to use my leadership skills to develop a curriculum of afterschool programs for middle & high school students to know that women can be leaders and learn how to become leaders themselves.
 2) The leadership model or role model that inspires me is the flock of geese and I chose this model or person because I think that leadership can be shared effectively by multiple people. In fact, a group of students I work with select a different leader for their committee each month based on their availability to meet and interest in leading. One simple goal that will bring me closer to this model is to provide opportunities for women in the meetup group that I run to take turns leading projects that best fit their abilities and goals. I want to reach out to these women to find out if what they're currently doing fits with their goals and abilities and reassign projects based on that. 

The first response includes a somewhat far off goal... trying to convince myself that I can even do another graduate program has been tough, but I know I'm smart enough and capable.

Here were the comments from the folks that graded my assignment:
I can feel your desire and passion around empowering women. I also like the goal of letting others lead. All the best to you :-)

Your vision is large in scope yet focused on individuals and small groups. This has remarkable potential.

If I was flattered by the comments of my last submission, I am blown away by these responses. The fact that someone said "This has remarkable potential," I'm overwhelmed. A complete stranger thinks my ideas are worthwhile and can make an impact. Really excited for my next steps in life!

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